3D Bones and Muscles (Anatomy) App Reviews

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Awesome app!

Great app! Super easy to use. I love the free 3D rotation available setting along with the name of each part of the skeleton. Whats even more awesome is the option for the app to help pronounce different skeleton parts. :)


Amazing app. My orientation is horrible so it really helped me. Thanks 3D anatomy!


Cant believe its free. Awesome! Enough said.

Real 3D

Its great.


Needs a little work but ok for quick check

Perfect app

what a perfect app

Anatomy review

A very good app to show young kids what the human body looks like with the skin off. The app also allows you to "dress" the bare bones with lungs, digestive system nerves and blood vessels, muscles and skin. 5 stars!

Very cool

I like the easy of use, cool graphics, and good as a quick guide

3-D marvel

Great app 3 d marvel too bad we didnt have this in high school I

Forces a review to keep working

Im trying to study but this app has decided that in order to keep using it I must stop and rate it. So far I actually think its pretty good, but forcing me to review it completely turns me off from it. Im now hesitant to buy the full version because of this slimy tactic.


Spectacular for a beginner that needs to study for anatomy or a doctor


Keeps kicking me out the app, but the app itself is great for learning guide

Good app

Good app however I dont like having to rate it to continue to use it.


Very helpful! I love the puzzle option because it testes your knowledge


I work at a pathology lab and this shows everything we know. Its great for studying too. Very detailed. Other anatomy apps are about $25. The fact that this one is free is a huge plus.


I appreciate the free app. So thank you . I am a current student studying to be surgical technologist. I love the mobility of being able to study when I have a few minutes, how it is sectioned out and the information available about each item, the puzzles and overall ease of the app.


Handling needs a little help, but it is a free app so I cannot complain. I do wish there was a button to select a specific bone and merely view it on its own rather than having to individually select those around it, but it is extremely helpful as I read through Grays Anatomy to see 3D images of the bones.

Good for studying

Since its making me review

Great way to review material

This app brings all the material you have learned to light and help you have better understanding of it


Helps a lot with my physiology class!! Thanks!!

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